Welcome to the food policy council for the CityRegion of Stuttgart

Ernährungsrat StadtRegion Stuttgart

The association is committed to organising a platform for regionally and ecologically produced food and fair conditions for producers, trade and consumers in Stuttgart and the surrounding area, as is the case in other metropolises. Therefor in the next few years we are developing a guideline for the activation of a transformation to a regional and ecological food system together with all the people acting in such a system. The Ernährungsrat StadtRegion Stuttgart is an open platform for actors from civil society, business and institutions who are committed to a sustainable and just food system. The organisational centre is the association Ernährungsrat StadtRegion Stuttgart e.V.Members of the association are supporters from civil society, agriculture, canteen kitchens, administration, research, food processing, urban planning, regional and fair trade.

Structure and organisation

The Ernährungsrat should develop beyond the association into an overall Ernährungsrat StadtRegion Stuttgart, in which members of the working groups, politicians and decision-makers work together to develop a local, regional nutrition strategy.

The aim is that for the decisions of the Ernährungsrat representatives of civil society, the administration and businesses are each involved in one third. Scientific support is planned for this.
The Stuttgart city administration wants to work on establishing a city advisory board in the administration, which will be part of the StadtRegion Stuttgart food council. This work will be accompanied by the Climate Protection Unit in the right place.

We need the whole urban society

For the sustainable transformation of the food system towards regional and climate-friendly and ecological cultivation and consumption, we need the whole urban society.

The Food policy council invites you to swap ideas, exchange experiences and work on specific topics: What goals do we set ourselves, what steps do we take? For climate protection, the preservation and ecological upgrading of land, for a change of awareness, for healthy food without long transport routes.

Start in one of six working groups

Please note: Those pages about “working groups“ are momentarily only available in german.

In the first meetings we want to formulate the goals of a transformation, discuss questions, outline solutions and needs and agree on the next steps. In the coming years, this will be used to develop a joint nutrition strategy for the Stuttgart city region. Together, through cooperation between companies, administration and private initiatives, common goals and measures are to be derived.

The aim of the emerging food council is to involve the entire urban society in the transformation process for climate-friendly, sustainable agriculture and a regional and ecological food supply.The urban society should also be involved in the design of urban and suburban areas which allow more experience of the landscape, more biodiversity and the preservation of the fertile soils we have in the region.


At the moment the Ernährungsrat StadtRegion Stuttgart is active in two EU-Projekts.


FOSTER - Fostering food system transformation by integrating heterogeneous perspectives in knowledge and innovation within the European Research Area The FOSTER project is an ambitious Horizon Europe-funded project that will build food system capabilities, knowledge and new governance mechanisms for scientists, citizens and policymakers.

Kick-Off Meeting FOSTER September 2022 in Brussels

FOSTER was launched on September 1, 2022, and includes a multidisciplinary and multi-stakeholder consortium with 18 different institutions, including representatives from the CDIs and leading scientists from 7 European countries. The FOSTER kick-off meeting took place in Brussels on September 20 and 21, 2022, and the second full project meeting is set for March 28 and 29, 2023, in Serbia. 


EU project for the conservation and ecological enhancement of soilsThe Nutrition Council StadtRegion Stuttgart is a member of the consortium of the EU project HuMUS - Heathy municipial soils.
The project started on 1 January 2023 and will run for 36 months. 18 organisations from all over Europe form our consortium.

At the end of January 2023, the HuMUS kick-off meeting took place in Florence, Italy, hosted by our local partner ANCI Toscana. HuMUS is the new HORIZON Europe project funded by the European Commission under the EU 'A Soil Deal for Europe' (Soil Mission) to lead the transition to healthy soils through sustainable soil management.The EU Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’ (Soil Mission) aims to lead the transition to healthy soils via sustainable soil management.

This requires knowledge and awareness of the importance and value of soil health and its challenges and drivers. The project HuMUS is engaging and activating municipalities and regions across Europe to protect and restore soil health, which is vital for a successful Soil Mission deployment. The consortium is composed of EU universities and research centres with experience in participatory approaches and multi-stakeholder associations with large coverage of national, regional and municipal governance levels.

EU Flag Swaying with the Wind
Summer School Barcelona 2024 Englisch

Second Summer School of the EU project FOSTER in Barcelona

From May 22-24 this year, we were in Barcelona with the team from the Food Policy Council Ernährungsrat StadtRegion Stuttgart as a project partner at the second Summer School of the EU project "FOSTER - Advancing societal food system knowledge and innovation". The FOSTER summer schools are designed to develop skills for working in transdisciplinary areas and across sectors. The aim is to promote exchange and dialog on food systems and tools for change in food systems between academic partners and Change Driven Initiatives (CDI).
From May 22-24 this year, we were in Barcelona with the team from the Food Policy Council Ernährungsrat StadtRegion Stuttgart as a project partner at the second Summer School of the EU project "FOSTER - Advancing societal food system knowledge and innovation". The FOSTER summer schools are designed to develop skills for working in transdisciplinary areas and across sectors. The aim is to promote exchange and dialog on food systems and tools for change in food systems between academic partners and Change Driven Initiatives (CDI).
2. Internationales Treffen der HuMUS Projektpartner Englisch

2. Internationales Treffen der HuMUS Projektpartner

The second meeting of all partners involved in the EU-HuMUS project took place in Granada, Spain, 23th to 25th of January. The focus was on the planning and implementation of further workshops on site in the project regions as well as the signing of the EU Soil Manifesto, an agreement for the protection of land and soil throughout Europe and locally.
The second meeting of all partners involved in the EU-HuMUS project took place in Granada, Spain, 23th to 25th of January. The focus was on the planning and implementation of further workshops on site in the project regions as well as the signing of the EU Soil Manifesto, an agreement for the protection of land and soil throughout Europe and locally.
Erste FOSTER Summer School in Wageningen_Englisch

First FOSTER Summer School from 3th to 5th of October

The first Summer School of the FOSTER EU project took place in Wageningen, the Netherlands. The three-day science meeting of the five initiatives from Spain, Holland, Serbia and Hungary, also called "CDI" - Change Driven Initiatives was organized and accompanied by the science partners of the Universities of Oxford, Wageningen, Amsterdam and Hohenheim as well as the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI Karlsruhe.
The first Summer School of the FOSTER EU project took place in Wageningen, the Netherlands. The three-day science meeting of the five initiatives from Spain, Holland, Serbia and Hungary, also called "CDI" - Change Driven Initiatives was organized and accompanied by the science partners of the Universities of Oxford, Wageningen, Amsterdam and Hohenheim as well as the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI Karlsruhe.
FOSTER project meeting in Novi Sad

FOSTER project meeting in Novi Sad

The second FOSTER project meeting took place at the end of March in Novi Sad, Serbia, and was organized by the local partner BioSense Institute. The focus was on the exchange of civil society-organized initiatives (cdi - citizen driven initiatives) - such as the Food Policy Council StadtRegion Stuttgart - with other cdi under the motto "Learning from each other" and learning with each other: Which political, which legal frameworks promote, and which inhibit the transformation of the food system locally? What opportunities for knowledge and science transfer exist locally in each case? Can engaged citizenship contribute to transformation? During the further course of the project, a research and information platform will be established to study local and regional food systems.
The second FOSTER project meeting took place at the end of March in Novi Sad, Serbia, and was organized by the local partner BioSense Institute. The focus was on the exchange of civil society-organized initiatives (cdi - citizen driven initiatives) - such as the Food Policy Council StadtRegion Stuttgart - with other cdi under the motto "Learning from each other" and learning with each other: Which political, which legal frameworks promote, and which inhibit the transformation of the food system locally? What opportunities for knowledge and science transfer exist locally in each case? Can engaged citizenship contribute to transformation? During the further course of the project, a research and information platform will be established to study local and regional food systems.
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